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Article Type 1: Peer-reviewed papers
Reflections on Speed Control From a Public Health Perspective
Jack McLean
The level of understanding of the risks associated with speed and speeding is increasing. However, this is not fully reflected in the implementation of speed reduction measures nor in an...
Article Type 1: Peer-reviewed papers
Automated Speed Enforcement in Australia: Recent Examples of the Influence of Public Opinion on Program Sustainability
Judy FleiterBarry Watson
In Australia, speeding remains a substantial contributor to road trauma. The National Road Safety Strategy (NRSS) 2011-2020 highlighted the need to harness community support for current and future speed management...
Understanding the Fear of Bicycle Riding in Australia
E FishmanS WashingtonNarelle Haworth
Rates of bicycle commuting currently hover around 1 - 2% in most Australian capital cities, although 17.8% of Australians report riding at least once per week. The most commonly stated...
Article Type 1: Peer-reviewed papers
The Effectiveness of Wire Rope Barriers in Victoria
Nimmi CandappaAngelo D'EliaStuart NewsteadBruce Corben
Run-off-road crashes represent half of all fatal crashes in rural Victoria and many of these crashes involve collisions with fixed roadside objects. Wire rope barriers are proving to be highly...
Article Type 1: Peer-reviewed papers
Crash Performance of Safety Barriers on High-Speed Roads
Chris JurewiczL Steinmetz
The findings presented in this paper are based on Austroads-funded investigations of the in-service effectiveness of safety barriers on high-speed roads (that is, roads with 100 and 110 km/h speed...