Article Type 4: Letters to the Editor
Hughes, B. (2022). “The need for independent safety investigation and regulation of road infrastructure.” JRS, 33(3), 76.
Mungmngpuntipantip, R. and Wiwanitkit, V. (2022). “COVID-19 pandemic, driving test and road safety during outbreak”. JRS, 33(1), 71-72.
Boufous, S. (2018). RESPONSE: It is time to consider a presumed liability law that protects cyclists and other vulnerable road users. [Letter to the Editors]. JACRS, 29(2), 45.
Scott-Parker, B and Rune, K. (2018). RESPONSE: Review of the graduated driver licensing programs in Australasia [Letter to the Editors]. JACRS, 29(1), 34-42.
Middleton, N. and Cartwright, F. (2018). Review of the graduated driver licensing programs in Australasia [Letter to the Editors]. JACRS, 29(1), 39-40.