Mooren, L. (2007). Advocating Global Road Safety. JACRS 18(1), 11-13
- Article Type 2: Contributed articles
- Article Type 2: Contributed articlesSmith, Greg. (2007). Curbing Roadside Hazards. JACRS, 18(1), 13-15
- Article Type 2: Contributed articlesMurray, W. (2007). Improving Reversing Safety of Commercial Vehicles. JACRS, 18(1), 16-18
- Article Type 1: Peer-reviewed papersRegan, M., Young, K., Triggs, T., et. al. (2007). Effects on Driving Performance of In-Vehicle Intelligent Transport Systems. JACRS, 18(1), 23-30
- Article Type 1: Peer-reviewed papersRegan, M, Stephan, K., Mitsopoulos, E., et. al. (2007). The Effect on Driver Workload, Attitudes and Acceptability of in-Vehicle Intelligent Transport Systems. JACRS, 18(1), 30-36
- Article Type 1: Peer-reviewed papersWijesuriya, N. (2007). Reducing Road Accidents through Fatigue Detection and Monitoring: A Review. JACRS, 18(1), 36-43