One of the most significant developments of the second half of the last century, in that it impacted the world’s population in many ways, was the growth of a global...
- Article Type 2: Contributed articles
- Article Type 2: Contributed articlesBetween 2007 and 2009, School Drug Education and Road Aware (SDERA) and the Child Health Promotion Research Centre at Edith Cowan University (CHPRC, ECU) worked together to develop best practice...
- Article Type 2: Contributed articleskeys2drive is a joint initiative of the AAA (Australian Automobile Association) and the Australian Government. It is perhaps the most extensive and far reaching novice driver training and road safety...
- Article Type 2: Contributed articlesThe Northern TerritoryPolice, Fire and Emergency Services are committed to Stopping Territory Aboriginal Road Sadness. Every year we attend too many road crashes where Indigenous people are killed or seriously...
- Article Type 2: Contributed articlesIn October 2010 the Tasmania Law Reform Institute (TLRI) released its Final Report on drivers who fall asleep at the wheel and cause motor vehicle crashes. The Report looked at...
- Article Type 1: Peer-reviewed papers‘Hooning’ constitutes a set of illegal and high-risk vehicle-related activities typically performed by males aged 17-25, a group that is over-represented in road trauma statistics. This study used an online...
- Article Type 1: Peer-reviewed papersThe rates of death and injury amongst young novice drivers remain disproportionately higher than for any other group of licensed drivers despite a range of measures such as the Graduated...