Situation awareness, one’s understanding of ‘what is going on’, is a critical commodity for road users. Although the concept has received much attention in the driving context, situation awareness in...
- Article Type 1: Peer-reviewed papers
- Article Type 1: Peer-reviewed papersSpeed has been widely identified as a leading factor in crash occurrence and severity. On rural networks, a key problem is speeding where vehicles transition from a high speed to...
- Article Type 1: Peer-reviewed papersRecent research into motorcyclist collisions with roadside barriers has indicated that while they are infrequent events, they often result in severe injury outcomes. Impacts with steel guardrail (W-beam) barrier posts...
- Article Type 1: Peer-reviewed papersOlder pedestrians are over represented in serious injury and fatality statistics compared to younger age groups and are considered to be at fault in over 72% of pedestrian-motor vehicle crashes....
- Article Type 2: Contributed articlesIn 2012 VicRoads developed and delivered a road safety campaign to educate truck and car drivers about sharing the road safely. The educational campaign arose out of two key determinants:...
- Article Type 2: Contributed articlesYoung driver safety is a high priority in New Zealand’s 10 year road safety strategy, Safer Journeys. A target has been set to reduce the rate of fatalities among young...
- Article Type 2: Contributed articlesThe Transportation of Children and Youth with Additional Needs (TOCAN) partnership, as reflected in Australia’s National Road Safety Strategy 2011-2020, recognises that road safety progress today is dependent on coordinating...