All Articles tagged behaviours
- Article Type 1: Peer-reviewed papers
May 29, 2024 AEST Effect of Structured Traffic Education Program (STEP) on knowledge and commitment toward traffic rules at first year of legal driving in Saudi Arabia
- Article Type 1: Peer-reviewed papers
February 09, 2022 AEST Atombo, C. and Wu, C. (2022). “Traffic safety climate factors in explaining driving behaviours and traffic crash involvement: comparative study among Male and Female drivers”. JRS, 33(1), 49-62.
- Article Type 2: Contributed articles
February 12, 2019 AEST Shuey, R. (2019). Sharing road safety education and enforcement knowledge and practice throughout developing nations - challenges create opportunities! JACRS, 30(1), 58-65. DOI:10.33492/JACRS-D-18-00259
- Article Type 2: Contributed articles
August 05, 2017 AEST Johnston, I., & Howard, E. (2017). Promoting" Safe Speeds" behaviour by changing the conversation around speed and speeding. JACRS, 28(3), 69-72.
- Article Type 2: Contributed articles
May 02, 2017 AEST Blackwell, R., Zanker, S., & Davidson, J. (2017). Understanding low-level speeders to increase speed compliance via road safety campaigns. JACRS, 28(2), 47-55.