All Articles tagged Seatbelt
- Article Type 1: Peer-reviewed papers
August 13, 2020 AEST Ngwira, G.M., Bolaane, B. and Parida, B.P. (2020). “Investigating the Availability and Usage of Seatbelts in Malawi for Policy Review and Formulation”. JRS, 31(3), 48-56.
- Article Type 1: Peer-reviewed papers
May 21, 2014 AEST The study sought to assess drivers’ level of knowledge of seatbelts, seatbelt law and attitudes to the seatbelt law using a descriptive survey design. Data were collected from a convenient...
- Article Type 2: Contributed articles
November 07, 2011 AEST In this study, a convenient sample of drivers provided their opinions and perceptions of two seatbelt wearing advertisements with different emotional appeals. One advertisement had a more negative emotional appeal...