Measure Description Drive A M (SD) Drive B M (SD)
Route identification time (seconds) a The time taken to find the predetermined route on the map before the drive using written direction and a map of the area. 92.50 (41.12) 91.00 (48.19)
Incorrect turns (binomial) Whether one or more incorrect turns were taken throughout the drive (0, 1+). 0.52 (0.65) 0.36 (0.66)
Average speed (km/h) Mean speed was computed for the entire driving route, excluding time stopped. 34.88 (6.15) 33.53 (7.19)
Time stopped (seconds) The total time stopped during the drive. The drives had low density traffic and green lights thus there was no requirement to stop for extended times during the drive. 18.69 (22.83) 14.96 (26.62)
Time headway (seconds) Mean time headway calculated over 200 metres during a car following event. One participant was excluded as the driver pulled over during the car following event. 4.21 (3.87) 6.69 (5.67)
Lane position variability (cm) The standard deviation of the vehicle lane position on a 100 metre straight, one lane drive. Four participants were excluded from analysis due to erroneous turn or pulling over during the segment. 19.26 (11.31) 15.37 (11.41)
Brake response time (milliseconds) Drivers’ braking response time (starting or increasing braking) following the unexpected pedestrian event. 1.33 (0.87) 2.44 (1.55)
Total looks directed to wayfinding materials (number)a The total number of eye movements away from the driving scene to the map or wayfinding instructions during the drive (including when stopped or driving). 15.67 (15.18) 13.65 (9.51)